Success is in your hand!

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Are You Doing the Exact Opposite of What You are Supposed to?

I came across one of the top trending articles from CNBC where it says 65% of Americans are doing the exact opposite of what they’re supposed to. Although I do not have the exact percentage for Malaysians but I supposed it applies to everyone and I thought it is interesting to share with you too.The author used a good analogy to demonstrate the case,...

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Li Ka-Shing Teaches You How to Buy Car Buy House in 5 Years

I first saw this article in Mandarin whereby the topic caught my attention. I supposed you are the same too to click into this post, after all, who does not want to learn from the Hong Kong billionaire right? Whether or not this is real from the master himself, we can always get something out of this inspirational five-year plan to improve one's life. In...

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Top 5 Most Common Financial Mistakes To Avoid

Throughout the years in personal finance industry, here are some of the most common financial mistakes that I have seen. This is especially true for those that just started to work and finally get a taste of having money of their own. These financial mistakes often lead them into endless loop of living paycheck to paycheck, and an unforeseen...

Thursday, July 14, 2022

What is FIRE? Financial Independence, Retire Early!

Through out my financial planning career, I came across many clients where more than half of them do not have a specific financial goals. Mind blowing? Perhaps not. It is more common than you could ever imagine. All they ever wanted is just to earn more money. Sounds familiar? You might be one of them too. Well, no worry, in this post I will share...

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Do You Have Unclaimed Money? Find Your Windfall Here!

Do you know if you have any unclaimed money from the government? Do you know as of the end of 2019, there are a total of RM8.75 billion remained unclaimed, higher than the almost RM7 billion recorded at the end of October 2019 despite efforts by the authorities to return the money to their owners. Fret not, you can now check online for FREE!Here...

Thursday, May 28, 2020

#1 Hindsight Bias | Behavioral Finance 101

What is Hindsight Bias?Hindsight bias is the tendency of investors to falsely believe that they predicted the outcome since the beginning, only after learning the outcome. The most common phrases would be "I knew it all along" and all the "should have" and "could have". Hindsight BiasImplication of Hindsight Bias?In Behavioral Finance, this is...

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

EPF Increases Minimum Basic Savings to RM240,000 At Age 55 Effectively Starting 2019

The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) has announced that the basic savings at age 55 will be increased from RM228,000 to RM240,000 effective Jan 1, 2019. The increment will also be made across all ages accordingly, refer to the table below.  EPF last revised the amount back in Jan 1, 2017 from RM196,800 to RM228,000...

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